Superior Investments.
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Bravemarket Capital Group



Bravemarket Separately Managed Accounts (“SMA”) Platform provides investors access to institutional-quality portfolio managers at reduced account minimums. Within this structure, the investor directly owns the securities in the portfolio, and can impose restrictions against the purchase of specific securities as a means of customizing the portfolio for their own requirements. This flexibility allows the investor the potential benefits of direct security ownership combined with professional management. Direct security ownership may include, a) the ability to transfer securities in-kind, b) individual security reporting, c) tax efficiency, and d) customization and restrictions around concentrated positions or personal preferences.

Using our SMA Platform, investors gain access to our in-depth manager research to select some of the world's best institutional investment managers. We package complementary managers intentionally chosen to provide broad coverage of specific asset classes. Our objective approach to evaluating and selecting investment managers is designed to be systematic and meticulous. We engage and replace investment managers as we think appropriate with the goal of creating optimal manager combinations in pursuit of your investment objective.

For institutions using our SMA Platform, you can combine your internal resources with our global investment capabilities. In-house investment teams face significant pressures on fee budgets, scrutiny of governance approaches, and challenging late-cycle market conditions. These issues require nimble processes and to reach farther to access new sources of return. Our SMA Platform seeks to support institutional investors with access to specialist expertise to help the in-house investment team gain greater portfolio control, limit costs, reduce risk, and enhance returns. We have a suite of services that can be customized in combination or delivered as discreet solutions to help institutional investors tackle their investment challenges.

The round-the-clock support of Bravemarket SMA Platform enables institutional investors to focus on maximizing and diversifying their investments.